What is the number one reason why home interior decorating projects fail Planning. Not lack of experience, ignorance of color theory, no eye for proportions, or a total ineptitude for style. Nothing to do with not being able to afford a top interior designer. Just no planning, pure and simple. It's understandable. We all want to get to the interesting part, where we go to select furnishings and color charts and install things and watch the scheme come alive. Ignore planning and you'll pay for it, in time, in disappointment, and in real, hard cash. What's involved in planning? Good interior designed is about the practical elements of your home, how comfortable it is, and all the little details involved. You may have wonderful window treatments and incredible original color schemes, but you won't like any of it if you can't enjoy it in comfort.
So you ask yourself two basic questions. How would I like to live in this home? What facilities would I chose, how would I arrange things and what would be my priorities How much do I want to spend Here are some suggestions to think about when answering the first question. How long do you expect to stay in the house. How many rooms ideally do you need? Are there enough, and if not, is there anything you can do about it. Do you have, or plan to have, children Are any elderly people going to live there.Do you do any entertaining, and if so, how many at a time.Which room do you use to relax in. Where do you like to work when doing things like writing or paying bills? Computer room maybe
How many people are often at home for most or all the day What are your family's eating habits? Do you all eat together in one room, or separately as, and when individuals choose to eat What about the overall space in the house. Is their plenty of room. What essentials do you need? For example, is one bathroom enough, or do you need two. Are there ensuite bathrooms, and if not, should you have some installed? Is the kitchen a kitchen/diner, and if it isn't would you like it to be If you have young children would you like a separate playroom You can go much farther with this, but hopefully these suggestions will get you started. The second questioned, "How much do you want to spend" could be rephrased to "How much can you afford!" This is the question we all ignore!.

How many people are often at home for most or all the day What are your family's eating habits? Do you all eat together in one room, or separately as, and when individuals choose to eat What about the overall space in the house. Is their plenty of room. What essentials do you need? For example, is one bathroom enough, or do you need two. Are there ensuite bathrooms, and if not, should you have some installed? Is the kitchen a kitchen/diner, and if it isn't would you like it to be If you have young children would you like a separate playroom You can go much farther with this, but hopefully these suggestions will get you started. The second questioned, "How much do you want to spend" could be rephrased to "How much can you afford!" This is the question we all ignore!.
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